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Bob Proctor: How To Change A Paradigm

Bob Proctor, World’s foremost Life and Business Coach, who recently spoke at Pendulum Resurgence guides you through the tools that will change the course of your life. They are the essentials that will lead you to an understanding of how you can actually multiply your results by a factor of 12 – now!

The information you just learned in the video above will change your life in phenomenal ways—if you take action on it.

But before you get started, you have to be clear on a few things.

First, remember that a paradigm is a multitude of habits that are lodged in your subconscious mind.

Second, you must change the paradigm in the same way it was created—through repetition of information.

And, third, you must understand that to change a paradigm you have to consciously and deliberately replace a “bad” habit with a good habit. Otherwise, you’re going to form another bad habit because nature abhors a vacuum.

Start the process by consciously choosing new beliefs that are aligned with the habits you want, and then plant them in the place of the old beliefs in your subconscious mind.

One way to do this is through affirmations. Find positive statements that mirror the beliefs or behaviours you want to incorporate and read the statements over and over again. If you want more money, you can use the affirmation shared with you in the video…

I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities, through multiple sources on a continuous basis.

Another powerful tool you can use is visioneering, which is where you create a new image of yourself being, doing, or having the things you want. Practicing this a few times a day will go a long way in helping you change bad habits and attract the things you want into your life.

You can also do the following exercise:

  1. Think about a result you’re getting that you don’t want and ask yourself what behaviours or habits are causing that result.
  2. Write the behaviour out in crystal clear detail.
  3. Ask yourself what habit or behaviour is the polar opposite of the behaviour you just identified.
  4. Write out the new behaviour on another sheet of paper.
  5. Burn the paper that contains the bad habit (as a symbolic gesture).
  6. Write the positive habit out four or five times a day. Read it frequently. You will eventually lodge that idea in your subconscious mind.

Once it begins to take root, it takes the power away from the bad habit and the bad habit actually dies from lack of nourishment. Then, the deposited one takes over.

Now it will take a fair amount of energy and understanding to do these things, but it will be very much worth the effort because it will allow you to write your own ticket in life.

Source: Proctor Gallagher Institute

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