
New Year, New Platform With Pendulum Talks

Pendulum Talks is an online platform launched hot on the heels of the culmination of Pendulum Summit.
It provides subscribers with 24/7 access to content from previous summits


The opening weeks of January is the slowest time of the year. People return to work following the Christmas break sluggish, in dire need of a kickstart. For the 7,000 delegates that descended upon the Convention Centre Dublin last week, the Pendulum Summit provided it.

From the moment the most well-prepared souls registered on Tuesday night, the stimulation began. Three evenings of socialising and networking in partnered night spots across Dublin flanked two full days of hard-won learnings and immediately applicable takeaways. Each speaker provided food for thought and offered a unique perspective, with the array of diversity on display ensuring different people took different things from different talks. The one thing each presentation had in common was an earnest endeavour to refine and improve – the hunger for which was evident in the room.

There are five key tenets of the Pendulum Summit.

1. Self-Empowerment.
2. Authentic Relationships.
3. Leadership and Team Performance.
4. Business Excellence.
5. Professional and Wealth Elevation.

These tenets are then escapulated in a double barrelled shotgun – one chamber is home to no-nonsense lessons and teachings, the nuts and bolts that compels the delegate to whip out their notepad. The other is somewhat more esoteric – a feeling or vibration that you only understand when you are in attendance. Something in the air that everyone leaving the CCD communally feels. A thirst for excellence and improvement that is without haste but without rest.

This buzz, however, does wear off. As the weeks roll by and the realities of our Irish winter settle in, new habits may wear thin and old habits return. We adapt to our environment detrimentally as opposed to our environment adapting to us. It’s the natural course of action once a burst of inspiration fades – but what if there was a way to maintain this surge and ensure that the Pendulum Spirit was a daily dose, as integral as your morning coffee?

Now there is. Pendulum Talks is an online platform launched hot on the heels of the culmination of Pendulum Summit 18. It provides subscribers with 24/7 access to content from previous Summits as well as our sister company Front Row Speakers, as well as supplying exclusive masterclasses. Are you a student, interested in Pendulum but unable to afford a ticket? This is for you. Are you a three-time attendee? This is also for you.

It is only through daily interaction that we will progress as individuals. Inspiration should not strike once a year. Sign up for Pendulum Talks here.

The Pendulum Team is close-knit and industrious. We are already back in the office working around the clock to ensure that the 2019 Summit blows all previous editions out of the water. We hope to see you there, riding the crest of this wave with us.

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

– Aristotle.

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