International motivational speaker and New York Times best-selling author Nick Vujicic was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia. Without any medical explanation or warning, Nick came into the world with neither arms nor legs.
Throughout his childhood, Nick dealt with the challenges of school and adolescence, such as bullying, self-esteem issues, depression and loneliness as he questioned why he was different from all the other kids.
As Nick grew up, he learned to deal with his disability and gradually went onto tertiary education, obtaining a double Bachelor’s degree, majoring in Accounting and Financial Planning. By the age of 19, Nick started to fulfil his dream of encouraging other people through their struggles.
Nick is now a highly sought after motivational speaker travelling the world speaking and coaching others to overcome their obstacles. He has visited to over sixty-five (65) countries, met with 16 presidents, addressed 9 governments and spoken to over 6.5 million people live! He is an accomplished author with five (5) titles including a New York Times best seller “Unstoppable” and is published in over thirty languages.
Nick starred in the short film The Butterfly Circus, which won the Doorpost Film Project’s top prize of 2009 and two awards as the Best Short Film at the 2010 Method Fest Independent Film Festival.
Nick’s story continues to resonate worldwide, and he has been featured on “CBS Sunday Morning,” “Oprah’s LifeClass,” “PBS Religion & Ethics News Weekly,” USA Today, NewsMax, “Life Today” and “The 700 Club,” and twice on “60 Minutes Australia.”
Nick is married with four children and lives in southern California.
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