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Keith Cunningham – 3 Biggest Mistakes Made By Business Owners

We caught up with Keith Cunningham after his mind-blowing masterclass at Pendulum Summit. Watch the two minute video above to hear what he had to say!

My first session was on some of the biggest mistakes in fact the three biggest mistakes that I see business owners make and these mistakes sabotage more businesses than any other single thing. If you’re going to make a mistake make sure it’s a small mistake, don’t make a big mistake, those are hard to recover from but then learn from the mistake.

Most business owners fall in love with their product. They fall in love with their idea and I don’t think loving your idea is the key to being financially successful. I think loving your idea it could lead to fulfilment, it could make it great hobby, but it doesn’t necessarily translate into a great business. And so if you want what you want which is improve performance either on a personal level or whether what you want is more on a professional or a business level, regardless of where you are, the key is what you need to learn in order to get better.

Doing the same old thing, using the same tired strategies will not get you to where you want to go. So if you want a fresh injection of content, of strategies, of do this, this and this, or if you want to be inspired – Pendulum Summit is well worth your money. And I would tell you that if I had an opportunity to attend next year’s conference I would do it in a heartbeat it’s that good!

Keith Cunningham

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